
Japan Heritage fake ley line

Japan Heritage leyline
The leyline (swerving?) in Ueda Shioda-daira(Nagano Pref.)

Japan Heritage leyline sun's light reaches places in order from west to east
The sun light reaches in order from west to east in the basin

Japan Heritage "Along the Ley Lines – Ueda Shiodadaira (Nagano Pref.)" is a fake story.
> First, the sun’s light touches Shinano Kokubunji Temple, where the Dainichi (“Great Sun”) Nyorai Buddha is enshrined, before passing on through the Ikushimatarushima Shrine, where the earth is the deity. Finally, the light reaches Bessho Onsen hot springs,

The truth is that:
In Ueda Shioda-daira basin the rising sun's light reaches places in order from west to east in the shadow of the mountains in summer.
First, Bessho Onsen on the west side, then, Ikushima-tarushima Shrine, then, Shinano-kokubunji Temple on the east side.
And it is NOT straight line actually. See the map again.

Don't make children liars

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